FCPA learning Pathway

Integrated Response and Recovery (BCA04)

Have you ever heard the proverb, “Too many cooks spoil the broth”? It basically means if too many people are all trying to do one thing, with no clear direction, then things will go wrong. And this couldn’t be truer when responding to, and recovering from, an incident.

It’s likely your business continuity plans will involve multi-agencies when it comes to responding and recovering after an incident. But, to make sure this is effective, you need to get everybody collaborating and coordinated. That means planning coordination strategies, so everyone knows what they’re doing.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Define integrated response & recovery
• Identify which agencies are necessary to make your response and recovery plans effective
• Plan coordination strategies for response & recovery as part of your business continuity planning

Why take this course?

In an incident situation, you need solid integrated response & recovery plans. For operational leaders, and duty and senior managers, this course can help you develop an understanding of integrated response & recovery. It’ll also look at the types of agencies you’ll need, and how to coordinate them, so you can make informed decisions in your business continuity plans.

10 mins | SCORM | Workbook

  • Integrated Response and Recovery
  • Sample Process and Guide on Complaint Handling by Facilitators
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed